apply to join steph's fit, healthy & confident 1 on 1 online coaching program
Note: my Coaching time is limited And i Can only Accept A Limited Number Of new applicants

The Fit, Healthy & Confident Online Coaching program is a proven personalised coaching program designed specifically to help motivated women lose weight, gain more energy, shape their bodies, improve their overall health and fitness, and become their fit, healthy and confident best

The program itself is based on a proven 5 step framework which includes the essential elements of mindset, nutrition, exercise, education, and accountability. Unlike most online programs, the FHC program includes 1 on 1 coaching, educational online training modules, and focuses not just on diet and training alone, but on helping women create positive new habits around eating and exercise, while focusing on the mindset shifts and high-performance habits needed to achieve real long-lasting results. 

Forget crappy PDF downloads, quick fixes, and fad diets, this is a proven hands-on, online coaching program that educates you, keeps you accountable, and delivers real results.


I have a background in Health Psychology and use my knowledge and coaching experience to help you understand the things that are holding you back. We focus not just on the physical shifts, but on the mindset shifts that must occur for you to actually get results and keep them. A program that doesn't address mindset is a total waste of time!


I have worked very hard to create a nutritional system and training program that makes it super simple for you to understand an implement a healthy lifestyle change. 100's of women have transformed their health and fitness by following my programs. They are simple, science backed, and they work. Check out the amazing program testimonials further down the page...


Your ability to maintain long-term results comes down to how much knowledge you have around nutrition and training. If you aren't learning the values of food, how to fuel yourself correctly, how to train effectively, and how to elevate your personal performance, you will always bounce back to square one. Education really is the key to long-term results.


Very few people successfully achieve their goals and even less do it on their own. Research shows you are literally 90% more likely to achieve your goals if you have a set accountability appointment with a coach. Our private coaching calls and the accountability structure of the program means you follow through on the commitments you make to yourself and you achieve your goals.



First things first, we start with a thorough assessment of your physical capabilities as well as taking time together to really identify a clear set of goals and a vision for your health and fitness moving forward. We create a plan that works for you, get clear on 'why' you are doing this, look at how positive change in this area will impact your daily life, and create some daily rituals to keep you accountable to yourself and your goals.

  •  Fully dissect your goals and make a plan to help you achieve them
  •  Discuss your health history and physical capabilities
  •  Learn about your lifestyle so we can make a plan that makes sense for you personally


You will receive access to a comprehensive exercise program including video recordings of each workout and a video explainer series to teach you the correct form for each individual exercise you will perform. My programs are proven to help you lose weight, tone up, gain strength,  increase your energy levels, and improve your overall level of fitness.

  •  Weekly training schedule so you can plan ahead and prioritise your training
  •  Video library with training routine and explainer videos to ensure you train correctly and achieve your goals
  •  Proven exercise programs to help you sculpt your body & lose weight regardless of your current level of fitness.


Fueling your body with the right nutrition is the first step to becoming fit, healthy and confident. The truth is, you can train all you want but if you don't eat right, you won't see real results! I have created a proven system and a huge range of clean eating guides which contain hundreds of delicious, nutritionally balanced recipes that will nourish your body, energise you, help you shed those extra kilos, and make healthy eating super simple.

  •  100's of nutritionally balanced, delicious healthy recipes for you to use.
  •  Weekly planner designed to help you eliminate the overwhelm and prepare for success
  •   Simple daily rituals to follow that ensure you are always hydrated, nourished and energised


This is a massive part of why my clients are able to achieve such great results. I work with a small group of individual clients and am with you every step of the way. Unlike most online programs I am accessible, I give you my time, I get to know you as a person and utilise my background in health psychology to ensure you are prepared, focused, motivated and performing at a high level. These calls are also a great chance to answer any questions you have week to week and ensure you are on track and smashing your milestones.

  •  Fortnightly Skype calls to check in on progress, set new daily rituals, weekly commitments and answer any questions.
  •  Mindset coaching to help you move past any blocks and ensure you are performing at your best.
  •  Massive levels accountability and support!


Supplement recommendations are very personalised as no two individuals are the same. Based on my initial consultation and health screen we look at where supplements can be used to help you maximise results and eliminate any deficiencies. Supplements are not a silver bullet, we simply assess the need for them and supplement around your diet and training.

  •  Learn the role of supplements, how to use them properly, and what to look out for.
  •  Get supplement advise tailored for your specific needs. Everything I suggest is backed by strong scientific evidence.
  •  No magic pills or powders, I spent 4 years working in the supplement industry, I know the in's and out's and am incredibly selective with my supplement recommendations.


Education is a major factor in achieving your results and maintaining them long term. I have created a range of video training modules which are kept inside the membership site and cover a range of topics such as goal setting, mindset, nutrition, training, meal prep, rituals & routines, and other topics that will help you achieve your goals. These video modules not only help you better understand the program, but they help you increase your knowledge and understanding so that you can carry these learnings forward beyond the 12-week program.

  •  Video modules on goal setting, set up, nutrition, training, meal prep and other key areas of the program.
  •  Log into the membership site and watch each module from anywhere.
  • Don't just follow a program, understand why you are doing it and improve your knowledge so you can better maintain long term success.


That's right, actual access to me as your coach. I get so frustrated seeing online programs where people are left to fend for themselves. Over the past few years, I have mastered the art of coaching and created online systems to ensure you get help, support, and accountability when you need it. I am invested in every client I take on, I like to get in the trenches with you rather than watching on from afar, we meet every fortnight 1 on 1, and I am in regular contact with every single client I coach. You will feel the love throughout this program, trust me on that!

  •  Email access to me plus contact through numerous social media platforms when you need it.
  •  My personal phone number for emergencies or a good kick up the bum 🙂
  •   You will never feel 'alone or 'helpless' in this process. Trust me, I am always here for you! We take this journey together and we kick these goals as a team.


Watch the educational training videos online as I walk you through the entire Fit, Healthy & Confident system step by step.


Private 1 on 1 Skype sessions with me every fortnight to keep you accountable, hold you to your actions, and answer any questions.


Download the nutrition & training guides, use the meal planners, goal setting sheets, daily rituals charts, and other awesome course resouces.


Use the power of social media platforms such as snapchat & instagram to keep in communication and keep accountable to your daily actions.

Access your workouts, nutrition guides, training modules, recipes, & course resources wherever and whenever you need them. Take a sneak peak inside the private membership site below...

Surrounding yourself with the right people is crucial to success in any area of your life and that couldn't be more true when it comes to health and fitness. That's why I have added the private Facebook community for you to access. 

Whenever you have questions, wins to share or challenges to overcome, the private Facebook group is a safe place for you to connect with other like-minded women who are on the same mission as you. I'm always there to answer anything from nutrition questions, to exercise queries, to talk about mindset or anything else that will add value to your journey.

Probably the most powerful part of a group is just seeing other people, in action and smashing it. If they can, you can too!

watch these powerful client success stories
Because this program really does have the power to change your life and these testimonials are proof.
Are you ready to create your own success story?
Don't sit on the sidelines and watch while other women get the results you want. Take action today by booking a free call and lets see how I can help you achieve your goals.  

NOTE: My Coaching Time Is Limited And I Can Only Accept 10 Successful Applicants. 
Once Spaces Are Full, Registration Will Close.

"3 months ago I was an overweight,unfit new mum who's self confidence had definitely taking a beating. Steph's Fit, Healthy and Confident Program has hand on heart changed my life. Since starting the program I have lost 10kgs, I have got back, if not gained more self confidence, I have smashed the goals I've set for myself, and this program has also helped me find a new passion for running. I recently competed in the ASB Christchurch Marathon running 10km which I never in 100 years thought I would do. The meal recipes and workout routines are easy to follow and the food is delicious! I really can't thank Steph enough for the support and guidance she has given me throughout my journey and for kicking me up the ass when things were feeling tough. I hope others can be inspired by my story and get up the courage to take the first step towards becoming a Fit, Healthy and Confident person too".

Sarah Ede - 12 Week Coaching Client

"When I started Steph’s Fit, Healthy and Confident 12 week transformation programme I was really unmotivated and in a pretty negative space about my body. Since starting and training with steph the transformation is not only evident in the changes in my body but more importantly my mindset around health and fitness. Since working with Steph I have lost a total of 20kg. I can not recommend Steph highly enough. Her enthusiasm and support is off the chart and has kept me motivated through this process.

Vanessa Puklowski - 12 Week Coaching Client

"11 weeks ago I desperately needed help and motivation to lose some weight. I reached out to Steph and signed up for a 12 week coaching program and what an amazing life changing experience it has been. I have officially lost 14kg. Not only have I lost weight but I have gained confidence in myself again, and learnt a lot more about myself. Steph has taught me so much. I can’t thank her enough."

Liv Smith - 12 Week Coaching Client

"I have been doing Steph’s program for 10 weeks now and I have just signed up for another 12 weeks as I believe in the program so much. Before starting the program I was feeling stuck, like I had tried everything and couldn’t seem to stick with anything long enough to get real results. I had tried everything from Jenny Craig to Weight Watchers, 30 day fitness challenges and numerous failed attempts at going to the gym. Years of feeling stuck! Since starting the program my mindset around my weight has completely changed and I believe this is what is driving my results. I am no longer obsessed with a number but instead I am noticing things like my energy levels, how my clothes are fitting and how I feel mentally. I have lost a lot of weight as a result of this and so far have dropped a massive 43cm but the biggest change has been my confidence. I now enjoy going to the gym and trying new things. I feel confident in what I’m eating and know why/how to prepare my meals (it’s easy when the recipes are 100% delicious too). I also love the coaching side of the program. It keeps me accountable and Steph is amazing. I think without this I would have told myself to give up by now. She 100% comes on the journey with you and I believe that’s what has been the biggest difference between other programs I’ve tried and the FHC program. I chose to invest in my health and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made – If you’re sitting on the fence I say, just book a call with Steph, take that first step, you won’t regret it!  "

-Jaime Deavoll - 12 Week Coaching Client

"In my first 8 weeks working with Steph I lost 8kg, I have gained a heap of energy, my skin complexion has improved hugely, I have more knowledge about how to fuel my body and how to listen to my needs. This is a huge lifestyle change for me. I honestly can't thank Steph enough!"

-Jasmine Goldsworthy - Online Coaching Client

"Steph, your coaching program is amazing! I have learned so much from you over the last 12 Weeks. Not only am I down over 7kgs but I have totally changed my eating habits and mindset around food and exercise. I've learned to nourish my body properly, I now drink over 3L of water a day, exercise daily & have a deeper understanding of food which has helped me make more conscious decisions about eating. Thanks for your amazing support, knowledge, energy, and encouragement! I would recommend you and your program to anyone & everyone."

- Joni Tomsett - 12 Week Online Coaching Client

"I have done numerous 12 week programs with Steph now and I have lost 25kg. Not only do I have more energy and confidence in myself, but I am mentally a much stronger, more positive person. Working with Steph has changed every area of my life and I've ticked a massive lifelong goal by running my first half marathon. You really have changed my life Steph, I can't thank you enough"

-Jody Pettis - 12 Week Coaching Client
frequently asked questions
I've tried diets before, how will this be any different?
Great question! The Fit, Healthy & Confident program is not a diet. It's about adopting a healthy lifestyle & positive new habits around nutrition and training. I've done enough diets over the years to know they are not the way to go and that rarely does anyone see long term change. Educating yourself and adopting a healthy balanced lifestyle is the way to go, and that's exactly what this program is about. You also have me as your coach which means you have serious accountability and someone with you every step of the way, and all the stuff listed above makes it quite different to your average program. Trust me, this is not like any other program out there and my client results and testimonials back this up!
When does the program start and how does it work?
Because this is a one on one coaching program, it starts whenever you are ready. Once we have connected on our application call and been through the application process, we create a plan and select a start date that works for both of us. All the finer details of the program can be discussed on our application call. I'm an action taker so I believe in getting people started and into action asap.
Is this a one time investment or do you do payment options?
Again, this is something we can discuss as finance is a very personal matter. Yes, the program is a one off investment, however I do have monthly payment options available if this works better for you. I never like to turn someone away who is ready to change and because of this I have created a monthly payment option. If you want to discuss this personally, we can do this on our call. 
How much time will this take? I'm a busy person.
I know you are, so am I, and so are my clients! This program has been designed with you in mind. The workouts are made to fit in around your lifestyle and the nutrition and meal guides have been designed to be as quick and easy as possible. Obviously there will be a time commitment from you in order to implement change, but this is all stuff we cover off on our call and we make a plan together to make it work for you! However... I will give it to you straight... If you can't priortise your health and take a few hours out a week for exercise and coaching, you are not serious about making change. Everyone I work with is busy, those who really want it, prioritise their health and they make it happen. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, lack of time is just an excuse.
I have allergies and intolerances. Can you work with this? 
Absolutely, actually so do I. Obviously this is something we would discuss in depth on the first application call before we made any decisions. You are required to fill out health assessment forms and I am thorough in my approach to this. If you have a medical history, you will need to clear this with your doctor before we start. Best thing to do is book in for a chat and we can discuss the best approach. 
Does everyone who applies get accepted?
No they don't. Whilst I want to help everyone, I've learnt through my experience coaching that you can only ever help those who are willing to help themselves. The testimonials you have read are from people who were committed & coachable. They took action, worked hard, they didn't let excuses stop them, and they created the results for themselves. The reason we have an application questionnaire and then a follow up application call is so we can connect properly and establish if this program is really right for you and if you are actually serious about changing. I pour a lot of energy into every client and I need to know that I get the same level of commitment back. I take on action takers, not excuse makers and the free application call is a great opportunity for us to connect and assess if we are a good fit to work together. I love women who are honest about where they are at, are willing to be coached, are done with making excuses, and have made the decision to change things.
Who Should Apply For The Program?
  •  You are fed up with you current level of health and fitness, you are done with going round in circles and are serious about making positive change.
  •  You want to lose weight, gain energy, and improve your overall level of health and fitness but, you are confused about how to make the change and want a simple, easy to follow system that has proven results.
  •  You want personal support, guidance, and accountability from someone who has coached and trained hundreds of women to better health and fitness.
  •  You want to learn more about healthy eating, exercise, mindset, and what it takes to live a fit, healthy lifestyle.
  • You are willing to trust the process and be coached. 
  • You are sick of being sold quick fixes and are ready for a proper lifestyle change.
  • You are willing to invest in yourself and your health and fitness and don't mind putting in the work to get the result.
  •  You make excuses and don't take responsibility.
  •  You are just looking for a quick fix and aren't really willing to put in the work to create long term change.
  •  You want someone else to do it all for you.
  •  You are actually happy to stay where you are and aren't that serious about achieving your goals.
  •  You aren't willing to invest in yourself and your health and fitness.
  •  You don't value 1 on 1 coaching or a more holistic approach to achieving your health and fitness goals
follow the simple steps below to  secure your application call 
  • Step 1: Click the 'Book Application Call' Button Below
  • Step 2: Select an available time slot in my calendar
  • Step 3: Fill in the application form and click submit
  • Step 4: Jump on a call with me to discuss your goals and see if we are a good fit to work together.
  • Step 5: Start crushing your goals together!
If you have read this far down the page, I know one thing for sure, you are ready to make change. 
Don't miss out by procrastinating. Take action and book your call now!
NOTE: My time is limited and i can only accept A Limited Number Of New applicants. 
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